Cantonese as an outdated language

Discussions on the Cantonese language.

Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by Ben »

I think that if Cantonese is to disappear from the face of this planet, it won't be missed. As I wrote in my last message it is one of the least civilized languages around.

Re: Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by Anonymous »

Well, at least I'll be the one missing the language (if it IS ever going to be wiped out). I don't think we should wipe it out at all.

Re: Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by Minky »

There is no language as funny as Cantonese, and I think it's linguistically inherent. I've never heard so many puns and word plays in another language although admittedly, I only have English to compare it to. The pun is, like, the lowest form of humour in English but in Cantonese it's so hilarious. Cantonese people in general are so witty and funny. Plus without Cantonese, we wouldn't have the genius of Stephen Chiao and his "mo lei tau" movies.

Re: Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by Pete »

language = cultural identity... i wouldnt want to deny someone... let alone a whole group of people of this.

Speaking of Stephen (completely off the original subject)

Post by Anonymous »

Stephen was denied his Canadian citizenship, because the courts (all the way to the supreme court) said that he was involved with some 黑社會("black society", "mafia", "triad" or however you'd like to translate it).
Some people say it's because he used to work for 強盛(or was it 盛強? Whatever, some movie company) that was started by a pair of brothers, who's father was in the 黑社會.
Well, I'm not sure if this is true, so please correct me on my "411" ("information" for you non-US people our there), if I'm wrong, now.

Re: Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by eatsee »

: There is no language as funny as Cantonese, and I think it's linguistically inherent. I've never heard so many puns and word plays in another language although admittedly, I only have English to compare it to. The pun is, like, the lowest form of humour in English but in Cantonese it's so hilarious. Cantonese people in general are so witty and funny. Plus without Cantonese, we wouldn't have the genius of Stephen Chiao and his "mo lei tau" movies.
Agree: totally agree with Minky. I think
1) language cannot be wiped out, it fades away by itself, like Latin, if nobody uses it, it fades away, and dies.Because from the social aspect, languages evolves with the culture and people.
2) language reflects how a certain tribe of people think and act, eg. cantonese represents how Cantonese people think, French represents the way the French speaking people think and live. so, cantonese is full of wisdom, despite cantonses are ustilizing the language so cleverly that they have widened its width and deeepned its depth in various stratum of life.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:58 pm

Re: Cantonese as an outdated language

Post by bottlan »

Cantonese people in general are so witty and funny. Plus without Cantonese, we wouldn't have the genius of Stephen Chiao and his "mo lei tau" movies.