Translate My Name

Translations to and from Chinese.
Stewart Barr

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Stewart Barr »

Can you please translate 'Stewart' or 'Stewart Barr' into japanese if possible?

Will I need to install a japanese font or language support to see it? Is there a web site that I could see it in graphical form?


Re: Translate My Name

Post by Kroada »

To Kat It means you are a nerd not to be mean or anything. You should name the baby Olakmar which mean lovley
Brian West

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Brian West »

Hello, I was wondering if you could translate two names for me.

my name - Brian
and my roommate - Dean

Thanks for your time.
Dustin LaBelle

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Dustin LaBelle »

please thank you!

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Nghi »

Please translate nghi into chinese it's my name.

Re: Translate My Name

Post by megan »

translate the names Jim and Megan please


Re: Translate My Sisters Name's

Post by emma »

could you please tell me my sisters names in chinese please. one is called vicky and the other is lorrin. i couldn't find the correct spellings anywhere so it would be great if you could help -thank you

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Wenis »

translate my name into japanese characters pleeze!

Re: Translate My Name

Post by Charlene »

Hey, to anyone who can translate my name to chinese please do so
my name is CHARLENE
thanksWenis wrote:
jonte myers

Re: Translate My mothers Name

Post by jonte myers »

I'll really appreciate it if you can translate my moms name into chinese. Her name is Olive

Thanks in advance