Hanzi for "gaam"?
Hanzi for "gaam"?
Does anyone know the Hanzi for the Minnan word "gaam" (or "ngaam" in Yue), meaning correct/appropriate/coincidence? This word occurs in two mutually unintelligible Southern dialects Min and Yue, and also bear the same meaning, so I sure there is a Hanzi for it.
In one article,gam is the word shared by hakka,cantonese,teochew and minnan.We are talking about zhuang people as a desendent of baiyue people and they are living in Guangxi province.45 million of them if I am not wrong.They have the word lui for money along with cham people in Cambodia/vietnam.
A cantonese expert directly saying this hanzi is totally unacceptable.口+岩 for gam
A cantonese expert directly saying this hanzi is totally unacceptable.口+岩 for gam
Hi there Mark,Mark Yong wrote:Sorry, must have missed your forum entry regarding ""gaam" being of Zhuang origin (when did you post it? must have been before I joined this forum).
If "gaam" in Min is indeed a cognate of "ngaam" in Yue/Hakka, then it naturally follows that both are descendants from a Zhuang word.
I was looking through some old topics and saw this outstanding question. I think the posts Hong was referring to are on viewtopic.php?t=1621. Most of the discussion on ngam takes place on the first page.
I finally found a book says ngam/gam has a correct hanzi.
言+品 with 山 below=和也 .If we follow the spelling in dict it will be 5th tone 陽上 not 陰上 1st tone.But in dehua(some town in longhai/tongan too) 5th tone isn't rising like others but sounded like 1st tone 44,so it could be a switch into first tone long time ago to follow most of the sects .Some tones in certain sects are earlier.
言+品 with 山 below=和也 .If we follow the spelling in dict it will be 5th tone 陽上 not 陰上 1st tone.But in dehua(some town in longhai/tongan too) 5th tone isn't rising like others but sounded like 1st tone 44,so it could be a switch into first tone long time ago to follow most of the sects .Some tones in certain sects are earlier.