The Abundance of Cantonese Slang (廣東話俚語之豐富)

Discussions on the Cantonese language.
Mak Zai (麥仔)

The Abundance of Cantonese Slang (廣東話俚語之豐富)

Post by Mak Zai (麥仔) »

Hello everybody,
I thought I'd post a couple Cantonese slang words for
all of you that are learning. They come from my dictionary. If you already read Chinese check out the following book. 本書名為港式廣州話詞典。係由張勵妍與倪列懷所編著。出版者是萬里機構,萬里書店。本書算是目前所有的廣東話詞典中最豐富最周全的一本。我推薦您們趕快去買一本。真是百讀不厭。
Now back to the slang words. In Mandarin there is sometimes only a few words to describe something, were as Cantonese might have ten ways to describe the same thing. Here are a couple words. hey mean to get mad, lose one's temper, be in infuriated.
嬲 nau1/lau1 嬲爆爆 nau1/lau1 baau3 baau3
發嬲 faat3/8 lau1/nau1 發爛渣 faat3/8 laan2 dza2
發抆憎 faat3/8 mang2 dzang2 火起 fo2 hei2
火氣 fo2 hei3
The tones in some of the words might not seem right.
The dictionary used the same words.
I'm out of time now. If I find anymore all post the rest.
麥仔 Mak Zai
Mak Zai (麥仔)

Re: More Cantonese Slang (多一D廣東話嘅俚語)

Post by Mak Zai (麥仔) »

Hello everybody ,
Here are some new words for you. There are quite a number of words for being broke(out of money).
?]有? M.mei2you3qian2 C.mut6/9 yau5 tsin2
The above would be the written form.
In Cantonese you can say. ?鱼y mou5 ngaan/aan 2 (no silver: silver also means money in Cantonese)
?用 mou5 mai5 (no rice) ?渝X mou5 tsin2 (no money) ?铀 mou5 sui2 (no water)
乾塘 gon1 tong4 (the pond is dried out)
Hope you'll find these words helpful.
If you know a slang word, please add to the list.
Mak Zai
: Hello everybody,
: I thought I'd post a couple Cantonese slang words for
: all of you that are learning. They come from my dictionary. If you already read Chinese check out the following book. 本???楦凼?V州??典。?S由???铄?c倪列?阉??著。出版者是?里?C??,?里??辍1??闶悄壳八?械?V?|??典中最?富最周全的一本。我推?您???快去?一本。真是百?不??。
: Now back to the slang words. In Mandarin there is sometimes only a few words to describe something, were as Cantonese might have ten ways to describe the same thing. Here are a couple words. hey mean to get mad, lose one's temper, be in infuriated.
: 嬲 nau1/lau1 嬲爆爆 nau1/lau1 baau3 baau3
: ?嬲 faat3/8 lau1/nau1 ???渣 faat3/8 laan2 dza2
: ??^憎 faat3/8 mang2 dzang2 火起 fo2 hei2
: 火? fo2 hei3
: The tones in some of the words might not seem right.
: The dictionary used the same words.
: I'm out of time now. If I find anymore all post the rest.
: ?仔 Mak Zai