Prof.Chiu gives 錄 but since Kangxi dict do record down that lu,maybe he will change it in his new dict.Experts always change their mind
many simplified hanzi are old invention but not recent invention.
We don't have 12 volumes of hanyudacidian /3 vol of hanyudazidian/zhonghuazihai /12 vol zhongwendacidian from taiwan and certainly we haven't read yunshu.Do you have玉篇﹐釋名。Our old chinese language knowledge are very poor.
mark,I find one of my taiwanese dict did put 彔空lak-khang。So this is the benzi although Northern people may be use it only meaning 彫刻 ,it has nothing to do with gb form of 錄 .
I still can't understand 廣韻 explanation of it 本也(maybe it means old kind of books).說文解字 commentary give 彔彔 as busy.
just post some benzi
必=pit 4 broken 說文解字--分極也。
舒=cu1,cw1 廣雅-展也 (舖開)
瞀 =bu7 集韻-目不明 blur
片+分=ping5,puinn5 =side 集韻 片也
欶=su 說文解字-吮也 suck
I think this word is good for us to speak about dating of lover 談戀愛-cam3pueh4 pah4 參八百(with man radical in the left for 參)