Malaysian Cantonese

Discussions on the Cantonese language.

Post by hong »

There is an article from a prof in china saying cambodia borrow teochew word lui.
dutch word in 17th century doit for a kind of coin
type in for a few dict
malay/indonesia didn't borrow from minnan but from dutch 400 years ago
Li Jiah


Post by Li Jiah »

I don't think Liu is really cantonese
Coz my frens r from Hong Kong n they have no idea.
They only say qin for money
They never heard of Lui
Li Jiah


Post by Li Jiah »

i mean Lui

Re: "Liu"

Post by AlexNg »

Li Jiah wrote:I don't think Liu is really cantonese
Coz my frens r from Hong Kong n they have no idea.
They only say qin for money
They never heard of Lui
Lui is definitely NOT cantonese. At first I thought it is borrowed from malay but "hong said it is borrowed from hokkien.

But malay duit is borrowed from dutch. Hmmm. then how is hokkien lui and dutch doit connected ?

Post by hong »

go to this dict and type *tang-lui* which is also recorded in Douglas dict for
铜镭 .It could be a word used very long time in minnan means coins,later people just use lui for money
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Post by petey »

I am Hokkien, but grew up in KL and so am familiar with KL Cantonese. I am not quite sure why everyone is so anti borrowing words from other languages. This is common in most languages, especially English. We know that English 'tea' and 'ketchup' are borrowed from Hokkien (according to the Oxford English Dictionary).

Of course KL Cantonese is influenced by Malay. In fact, in Singapore, these terms can be found in the Chinese text books - eg, the market is 'ba sha', and the bus is 'ba shi'.

Would you insist that in Cantonese, we say 'gong gong che' (as opposed to 'bas che' [KL Cantonese] or 'baa si che'?

Another word that is from Malay is lo-di (for bread).

And KL Cantonese is also distinct because it uses words that are considered old fashioned by other Cantonese speakers, eg 'shue goon' (instead of 'hok hau' for school), 'mou seung kon' (= 'doesn't hurt the liver', instead of 'mou so wai' for 'never mind').

lan xian dapu hak
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Post by lan xian dapu hak »

'Diam' is a Minnam (Hokkien) word. The Malays borrowed the words from the Hokkiens. Malay words such as 'beca', 'loceng', loteng', 'cuak', 'peduli' and 'tanggung' are also Hokkien words. 'Cawan' is a Hakka word for tea-bowl. Cantonese also use 'ken chak kuk' and 'ken chak soh' for police station. Formerly, the word ' lieu' ('liau' in Hakka) is also used.
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Post by crazychef »

I live in Caton,in my home town Zhanjiang, west part of Caton, also say Lui for money:" wo(no) ji(money) wo(no) lui(money again)" means very poor,no money. (My dialet is Lai)

I travel to Hokkien very frequently, in Xiamen and Zhangzhou ( Minnan), they say Lui for money: "ua joi lui?"----means: how much is it?

I agree to Hong, that Lui is from the word "Tang Lui铜镭"---a kind of money in China ages ago.

In guangzhou, we say Tung choi ,oong choi ,Tung Sum Choi for the vegetable you guys mentioned.
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Post by jilang »

I travel to Hokkien very frequently, in Xiamen and Zhangzhou ( Minnan), they say Lui for money: "ua joi lui?"----means: how much is it?
You missed one letter. It is - "lua jue lui". Not that it really matters much but just to let you know.
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The thread's name should be PENINSULAR MALAYSIAN CANTONESE

Post by xy »

i'm glad i found this forum to express my long kept urge to slap every cantonese speakers in peninsular malaysia.
actually on Dec 19, 2006, my fren & i've posted this on his blog a list of wrong phrases spoken by peninsulas.
here goes the blog link!7 ... !162.entry & list.
电药 = 电芯、电池
开揿制 = 开闩制
红青火 = 红绿灯、交通灯
我帮你 = 我同你
食开饭(同客家话) = 食咗饭
闲(读作“xian”华语发音) = 无聊、闷、吖
七月半 = 七月十四、鬼节、盂兰节
哥打京那巴鲁 = 亚庇
京那巴鲁山 = 神山
听听 = 等等
先先 = 开头、初头
千猜 = 是但、随便、无所谓、乜都得
菘孖 = 冚崩冷、全部
妈支拜(不雅语) = 你亚妈支壁
妈化嗨(不雅语) = 你亚妈嗰化嗨
粗口 = 烂咀(原本“粗口”呢个词等级唔一样,同市井粗言)
粿条(读作“贵雕”) = 大粉、河粉
云吞面 = 叉烧馄饨干捞面(馄饨用碗汤另外盛住)
板面(KL)、面粉粿(JB) = 刀麻切(板面实为扁面条)
一堂巴车、一堂巴阿车、一堂巴士车 = 一架巴士
十千 = 一万
两角 = 两毫
两扣 = 两蚊
两蚊半 = 两个半、两扣半
两个铝(lui¹)= 两针
几多铝(lui¹) = 几多钱
鼻咇(bei³-bi³) = 咇咇(bi³-bi¹)、稣虾、牙牙仔、屙牙仔
豆记 = 细露、细蚊仔、窦钉
亚婆 = 亚嫲 (亚婆多指外婆或女性嘅老人家)
亚细、头记 = 老细、事头

if alexng is still around, he should know that the word "BAI" as in "how many times" is correctly used by everyone.
A boy from a town used to be nicknamed "Little HongKong" now it's a city of nature where most of the time no electricity & water supply.