i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Discussions on the Hakka dialects.

Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by yngwie »

Hi all,

I speak hakka language as it is spoken by people in Bangka, Indonesia. Does somebody know which hakka dialect it is? Is it MeiXian hakka or something else?

Thanks in advance
Gin Lam

Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by Gin Lam »

Just got into this forum by accident. It is quite interesting to learn so many hakka people living around the globe.

Do you have any Jamaican-Hakka people bearing the surname LAM? My uncle is half Jamaican and half Chinese. His father who is Chinese, brought him and a few other brothers back to Hong Kong and leaving the mother (who is pure Jamaican) and sisters behind in Jamaica, about 50 years ago. After his Jamaican passport expired, his father never got him a new one, so he did not have a chance to return to Jamaica. My uncle is in his 60's and he would like to trace his long-lost sisters. It would be great if you can assist on your side with your research.

Thanks. :D
Claudette de la Haye wrote:For those of you who are Chinese from the Caribbean, Guyana (UK), Marituis, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tabago! Our ancestors came fron Canton aka Hong Kong.

I am currently searching fro my father from Jamaica who is Chinese.
for those of you egar to trace your linege as I was place in the Web-browser "Jamaican Chinese" or "Canadian Jamaican Chinese 2000"
goto the liks with refence to Guyana (UK) and you will see the boat loads of your ancestors names which, have been recorded in the history books.
You will be speechless to see the inventory of each boat. All family names are listed so you get an indepth idea as to what happened.

Good luck! And thank you for the information on the website.
I too am looking to learn Hakka starting with the alphabet, numbers and words. Tou will be happy to know some people speak it in Jamaica!

Laters. Claudette de la Haye (Chung)Jackie Yeung wrote:

> I am chinese of origin and am from a hakka family born and
> brought up in
> Mauritius.I came to England in 1969 to do nursing and I am at
> present
> working with an independant hospital (BUPA) near Leeds.I am
> married
> with three grown up sons.I do speak a bit of hakka but do not
> read or
> write chinese.I have always been interested in my own culture
> but would
> like to learn more and of course to practice the language.

Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by Guest »

Did you already checkout the Asiawind forum ?

http://www.asiawind.com/forums/read.php ... 162&t=8162



Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by Guest »

Mai-Ling wrote:Im not sure if this forum is still working.
Im 18 and live in the UK and speak hakka.
So Iggy, im not sure how old you are, but i doubt very much your generation is the last to speak hakka =)
Mai I would think so...the new generation are all speaking Cantonese.

I am 37 now
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:59 am

Post by JinHung »

Coincidentally I found this forum and get a bit excited finding some of you come from my place of birth. I am an Indonesian Chinese, an Hakka, living in Australia this time.

Siong Tjoeng Suk,
I guess your are about my father's age old, so I call you 'Asuk'. I was born at Lumut, Belijong (Belinyu). I believe you are still have a good recollection on the places around Belijong. I was also graduated from SMP St. Yoseph but in 1983. I finished my SMA in YPN, and went to Palembang for uni. I am not sure if you are still active in this forum, but I really like to get to know with you. I know some alumni of St. Yoseph from your generation(?) who might be your friends you want to know.

I like what you wrote. Ngai Lumut ngin, near to Perimping Bridge (chong khiau). The last time I went back to Bangka was about 2 years ago. When did the last time you visit Liat Kong? I think we are at same age old, I am 40 now.

Hi all,
It's a great to know more our root and our original culture through this forum without being unnecessary exclusive.

Lam Jin Hung
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:11 pm

Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by nidhai »

I never been in Mei Shien. I got this story from my grand Frather when i was a child, and our parent often told us the story of it. It was so interesting to us. The imaganery home town seemed so like in fairy tale.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:24 am

Re: i want to know hakka people in scotland/uk/the world

Post by joem »

I have Hakka's ancestors.. This days i live in usa. since my childhood my grandparents used to apply me to social customs and culture.. Unfortunately i have been to the place of my ancestors only twice..but it's never too late