How would 聯昌 and 聯精 be pronounced in Hokkien?
Would it be something like Bian Tjiong and Bian Tjing?
How to pronounce 聯昌 and 聯精 in Hokkien
Lian5 is also pronounced as Bian5 in Minnan dialect, so Bian Tjiong (tj with aspiration) is correct but Bian Tjing should have been Bian Djing in my opinion. Tj should be changed to Dj because it is pronounced without aspiration.
Tj is an old Indonesian spelling (following the Dutch language) equivalent to Ch (with aspiration) in Minnan dialect or Q, Ch and C in Mandarin.
Lian5 is also pronounced as Bian5 in Minnan dialect, so Bian Tjiong (tj with aspiration) is correct but Bian Tjing should have been Bian Djing in my opinion. Tj should be changed to Dj because it is pronounced without aspiration.
Tj is an old Indonesian spelling (following the Dutch language) equivalent to Ch (with aspiration) in Minnan dialect or Q, Ch and C in Mandarin.
Tai Ke Lai O Ban Lam Oe
Actually Tj in old Indonesian spelling system ("ejaan lama") is without aspiration. Dj in that system is J in English. But again, there are no aspirated sounds such as Ch (Q in pinyin) or Kh (K in pinyin) or Th (T in pinyin) in native Indonesian words. It's quite common that spelling of aspirated and non aspirated sounds for Chinese names is a mess in Indonesia.