learning experiences

Discussions on the Cantonese language.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

learning experiences

Post by kerry »

My name is Kerry Nelson and I’m doing an MSc project focussing on how multimedia technology can be used to help people learn Cantonese, while trying to learn Cantonese myself at the same time.

I came across your chat group while doing research and wondered if any of you would care to answer a questionnaire on your experiences. It’s very short – only 7 questions. If you prefer not to fill in any personal details or to write to me directly then that would be fine too.

I’m particularly interested in what problems you’ve had in trying to learn Cantonese and what you did to overcome those problems. If you have used any audio, audiovisual or multimedia materials then I would be really interested to know what your opinions and experiences of those were.

This is the url for my questionnaire http://kerryannenelson.netfirms.com/

