Tone Sandhi
Re: Tone Sandhi
(世界 secgaic) and (鴨肉 ah’vah) are examples of answers to the original poster.
For Minnan's 8x8 stereotone matrix, take a look at:
For a tutorial on running-standing stereotonic combinations:
Linguists Pang-Hsin Ting (丁邦新) and Mantaro Hashimoto (橋本萬太郎) showed almost 30 years ago that the so-called sandhi'ed tones (變調) are actually the original Chinese tones, and that the so-called default tones (本調) are actually the modified tones. Unfortunately, even after 30 years, people still don't learn. It's about time for everyone to drop these misnomers. Minnan in general does NOT have tone sandhi, except in rare cases. What it has is the stereotonic phrase-structure.
Please do not confuse tone sandhi with stereotony. Because real tone sandhi does happen, especially in Teochew dialects.
For Minnan's 8x8 stereotone matrix, take a look at:
For a tutorial on running-standing stereotonic combinations:
Linguists Pang-Hsin Ting (丁邦新) and Mantaro Hashimoto (橋本萬太郎) showed almost 30 years ago that the so-called sandhi'ed tones (變調) are actually the original Chinese tones, and that the so-called default tones (本調) are actually the modified tones. Unfortunately, even after 30 years, people still don't learn. It's about time for everyone to drop these misnomers. Minnan in general does NOT have tone sandhi, except in rare cases. What it has is the stereotonic phrase-structure.
Please do not confuse tone sandhi with stereotony. Because real tone sandhi does happen, especially in Teochew dialects.