Can somebody please translate a quote for me??

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Can somebody please translate a quote for me??

Post by rockonollie2 »

hey there, i'm a student in Ireland and i am close friends with a chinese girl studying in my college, her birthday is coming up and i really want to get something made for her that incorporates her favourite quote

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall"

Would anybody be able to give me the equivilant of that quote in traditional chinese symbols, i've spent hours searching the net for it but can't seem to track it down.

I would much appreciate it if anyone can help!!
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Post by rockonollie2 »

I've managed to put together the following sentence...

"我 最 伟 荣 莫 勿 摔 但 癒 迨 我 摔"

...but i don't trust direct translations from's really important that i get this right
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Post by McharmingM »

I"m a chinese from shanghai.I think it should be true.

I know a little english.
what is the word "equivilant"mean?
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Post by vera »

"让我们最为骄傲的事情不是从未失败,而是能从每一次失败中重新出发".The sentense emphsizes the spirit that someone should never give up.And there is an traditional Chinese Item the same to the spirit:"百折不挠"~
8) the word equivilant means the same meaning here :o
Tom Higgins
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Post by Tom Higgins »

As Vera pointed out "百折不挠" is a good translation.

And McharmingM, the reason you didn't understand that word is because the word is spelled as "equivalent" and not "equivilant". - Secrets of learning Chinese easily, quickly and inexpensively
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Post by Achilles »

Why? Simple Chinese is more easy to recognise,so please use my translation,it is good.

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Post by SandyS_CHINA »

I prefer 百折不挠 cos it's a Chinese Idiom and shorter than the translating sentence .
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Re: Can somebody please translate a quote for me??

Post by tharane »

The sentense emphsizes the spirit that someone should never give up.And there is an traditional Chinese Item the same to the spirit:"百折不挠"~