You know what? Im getting sick and tired of Chinese people accusing Koreans of doing this and that without any evidence. Do we teach this stuff in our schools or universities? Does our government promote it? Do 99.99% of Koreans believe it? Do 99.999% of Korean professors and scholars believe it or even care? Heck do 99% of Koreans even really know who Mao was or what he did? Hell im pretty sure most of those "Korean experts" who claim this bull$hit doesnt even exist.
Do you Chinese idiots realize that the supposed Seoul National University professor who claimed Confucius was Korean never existed? Some Chinese internet retard much similar to the $hit stains on this board made false rumors about Koreans stealing Confucius. Then the rumor spread like wild fire until it was reported by the Chinese media who ran an elaborate story about a certain Seoul National University claiming Confucius was Korean. Then some Korean newspaper contacted Seoul National University to identify the professor only to find out that the professor never existed and was a figment of the psychotic Chinese imagination.
There were other incidents of Chinese people lieing. Like when they accused us of stealing soymilk when it was actually a Korean company patenting a type of machine that could patent soymilk. Or chinese nationalists by the millions venting in rage at a democratic and free Korea publishing an anti Chinese book failing to realize that book was a childrens book with nothing negative about China. But of course Chinese people refuse to look into the facts before they bash people. There was also that incident in which the Chinese accused us of copying some Chinese boat festival even though the Korean one is entirely different.
Looks like the Chinese never learn. How typical. Its no wonder why China is a country of 1.4 billion yet gets whooped and humiliated so many times by smaller countries. Jesus Christ you guys are immature and insecure at the same time. The worst combination in existent. Is there nothing else you can do but cry like babies and accuse us of this and that without any proof? Sometimes I consider the Japanese lucky. They invaded China and committed war crimes which gave China tiny penis internet warriors ample material to bash or criticize the Japanese. But we Koreans have done absolutely nothing to China or even gave a rats @$$ about China other than for economic reasons. So you miserable societal failures need to make stuff up about Koreans in order to vilify us. I would much rather be called a murderer or imperialist then be accused of copying $hitty chinese cultural products that no one gives a rats @$$ about.
So please quit accusing us of copying this and that. Especially when you have no evidence. Internet rumors do not count as evidence. It only makes you guys look pathetic for trying to find some way to make us look bad. Are you that desperate to find fault in us because of your own inferiority complex? You country reminds me of those b!tchy high school girls who create rumors at girls because they are jealous and threatened by something due to their own paranoia. Grow up and quit whining like little b!tches.
And its no wonder why most Koreans hate the Chinese. Im not even generalizing here cause most Koreans really do find the Chinese despicable. Even more so then the Japanese which is amazing. In fact according to recent polls. Koreans hate China a lot more then the Japanese. A LOT MORE.
Korean invented chinese language
Re: Korean invented chinese language
Anyone can make up facts, 9 out of 10 people know thatJames Campbell wrote: I wouldn't try spreading "hearsay" around to other people without backing it up with citations and proofs. Korean is neither related linguistically, nor bioethnically to the Chinese. I went to one of the best linguistic schools in the United States, and am a specialist in historical phonology and I can back these statements up with facts, unlike your "hearsay".
James Campbell

If you really getting annoyed about people backing up their comments with proof i would ask you to do the same. I want 3 different sources for every fact. You should know how this works, after all you did go to the best linguistic school in the U.S.

A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
~Chinese Proverb
I have been learning Mandarin with Mandarin lessons for a year and still trying to find my wise man.
~Chinese Proverb
I have been learning Mandarin with Mandarin lessons for a year and still trying to find my wise man.
Re: Korean invented chinese language
wow gwe23,
all that hate. At the start you were making a great rant, slightly bias but you making some good points and i was agreed with you on some. However at the end i was just thinking what a tool you are.
If you going to write like that why write anything with facts and figure why not just insult at the start. It will save you alot of time writing it and everyone else alot of time reading it.
all that hate. At the start you were making a great rant, slightly bias but you making some good points and i was agreed with you on some. However at the end i was just thinking what a tool you are.
If you going to write like that why write anything with facts and figure why not just insult at the start. It will save you alot of time writing it and everyone else alot of time reading it.
A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
~Chinese Proverb
I have been learning Mandarin with Mandarin lessons for a year and still trying to find my wise man.
~Chinese Proverb
I have been learning Mandarin with Mandarin lessons for a year and still trying to find my wise man.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:34 pm
Re: Korean invented chinese language
Everyone knowes that Japanese and korean both derived from Chinese, why waste your time with this crap?
Re: Korean invented chinese language
This is really crazy,and just like a joke ,heheheh....]rosetta stone Korean
Re: Korean invented chinese language
it is no doubt that the chinese characters were invented by ancient chinese people
it is so ridiculous that it is Korean that invented them
china has 5000 years history .how about Korean ?
it is so ridiculous that it is Korean that invented them
china has 5000 years history .how about Korean ?
Re: Korean invented chinese language
this is jokes right 

- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:13 am
Re: Korean invented chinese language
Thanks a great information about " Korean invented chinese language". I like it.
Re: Korean invented chinese language
Thanks to know that how come Korean invented chinese language.
Re: Korean invented chinese language
Everyone knowes that Japanese and korean both derived from Chinese. how can you say that? that is joking.