No. I know it from my Amoy maternal side. Perhaps the Penang Hokkien equivalent would be "khi to2/khun3 man-nia ku" (= "to go and lie down / sleep for a little while), with the lying down / sleeping implicitly conveying that one takes a rest / has a nap.amhoanna wrote:So the word hiohkhùn 歇睏 -- or some equivalent -- doesn't exist in PgHK?
Nice that your original example to Lîm Kiànhui involved the same concept as mine here, i.e. resting from work. I guess this must be one of its primary usages / collocations then.amhoanna wrote:Years ago I mentioned to Lîm Kiànhui the Hokkien blogger from Hokkiàn that in Penang they said hèkang for TO TAKE TIME OFF FROM WORK, and he said, Oh, yeah, actually that's hehkang 歇工, heh is Ciangciu for 歇. But I think he typed it w/o the nasal. And actually I think he's from Ciangciu himself -- maybe Liônghái.