videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Discussions on the Hokkien (Minnan) language.
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videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by beh.oh.tai.uan.ue »

Hello everyone! It's been some time since my last post here; hope you all are well! I have managed to learn poj/tâi-lô since my last posts here, as well as the basics of the tone sandhis (for Taiwanese I should say), although figuring out how to type either using a computer is a different matter.... (as of now doing copy/paste)

At any rate, I have been in Taiwan for the last four and a half weeks, and am here teaching English. Of course, I have been trying to improve my Hô-ló, it is nice to hear it around me and practice a bit. Although I am quite the beginner and the main issue I find is basically a lack of resources.

Could anyone point me in the direction of some videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles? The next best option would be 漢字/漢羅 subtitles that accurately reflect the spoken words, such as 看世事講台語; but mainly I would like poj/tâi-lô subtitles! Not too picky about content, just need extra practice!

Anyway it's been awhile, how everyone is well. If anyone is in/passing through Taiwan, let me know! I hope to more actively participate here as my Hô-ló improves!

Kám-siā ta̍k ê! :lol:
~Colin (Ko-lîm) 
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Re: videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by Abun »

Ko-lim lí-hó!

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the 做伙尬台語 (做伙教台語) series (for example this But they rather present vocabulary than have a real conversation.

Btw, I am in Tai-pa̍k right now, studying Taiwanese. Ū-îng lán tō tshuē sî-kan tshut-khì tshit-thô--tsi̍t-ē^^

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Re: videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by beh.oh.tai.uan.ue »

A-bun, thanks for the recommendation. Actually, I have come across that program before, it's not bad. I'm hoping someone can turn up an all 閩南語 program with tâi-lô subtitles, but I'll have to work with what I can find if not/ until then! I'm in Hua-liân, actually this weekend I'll be heading up to Tâi-pak for a wedding and won't have much time, but it would be nice to meet sometime! How long will you be there? Best of luck with the Taiwanese studies, surely I am fairly behind your level, but at any rate, ka-iû!
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Re: videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by Abun »

Haha in terms of immersion Hua-lian is probably a better place than Tâi-pak :lol:

I'll be here at least for this semester and thinking about adding another one. And Hua-lian definitely is high on my list of places I need to visit before leaving again xD But just in case you come to Tâi-pak again before that, I'll send you my email via pm.
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Re: videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by amhoanna »


Ū hó siausit (PUN KIND OF INTENDED :P ). Lí nāⁿ bô khìhiâm, ēsái iōng (Kitok) Sèngkeng lâi náⁿ thiaⁿ náⁿ tha̍k.

M̄ koh ài sèjī ōo, cit khoán cheh sī beh hōo lâng káipiàn sìn'gióng--ê ōo. :mrgreen:

Nāⁿ iáⁿphìⁿ, lí ēsái chōe khòaⁿ Goânkhì Pótián (元氣寶典) ê iáⁿphìⁿ. Góa túciah ū chōe--tio̍h, m̄ koh chōe--tio̍h--ê lóng khui bē tio̍h.

Kóng ciâⁿsi̍t, Tâi'oân lâng cūjiân tō bē iōng Lômáⁿjī phah jībōo--ê, in'ūi ta̍kgê lóng tha̍k ciâⁿ bān, náⁿ tòe ē tio̍h hit ê tùi'ōe. :lol:

Lí nāⁿ khí khì Bīncúcheh mūiⁿ khòaⁿmāiⁿá, bô tiāⁿ (hoānsè) ē mūiⁿ tio̍h khah cē iáⁿphìⁿ ōo.
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Re: videos with poj/tâi-lô subtitles?

Post by amhoanna »

although figuring out how to type either using a computer is a different matter.... (as of now doing copy/paste)
There are at least two well-tested IME add-ons out there for typing in POJ on any kind of computer. One is made available by 信望愛, the other by the "Chinese Taipei" 教育部. Let me know if U can't find them.