So far I can read most of the characters on this picture, except 1 character (but still not sure, please help me by fix them if it's wrong).
The characters on the center is: 忠義 (zhong1yi4 or Tiong-gī in Hokkien), which means: Loyalty and is related to the story of the three brothers.
The characters on the left is: 千秋羕 [x] 振乾坤.
The characters on the right is: 萬古桃園喜永存.
Does anyone can read the character mark as [x] on the left side? I tried to google like "萬古桃園喜永存", or "萬古桃園喜永存, 千秋羕 ..", but found nothing. Many thanks.
Does anyone recognize the characters?
Re: Does anyone recognize the characters?
Image missing for me