Sherlock Holmes: method to learn characters

Topics related to learning Mandarin Chinese.
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Sherlock Holmes: method to learn characters

Post by literature »

To learn Chinese characters , I found a very good method called story telling method, you can find the book and the title is:Chinese Characters For Everyone: Sherlock Holmes In The Land Of Chinese Characters, this is the summary of the story:
Sherlock Holmes receives a registered letter from his old friend Sir Henry Meyer who asks him to visit the 63 lands of Chinese characters. After locating the different Chinese characters on the map, Holmes and Watson embark on their journey to visit the characters, learn how to easily recognize, read, write and memorize them. During their journey they learn how the characters are composed along with the grammar needed to use them in sentences. With each land they visit, Holmes and Watson receive a message from their friend detective Dee. Detective Dee asks them to perform different activities to help them learn and understand the characters they just met. The tasks include reading and decoding a message, character search, short stories to remember the tones and reviewing the meaning of each character. Please join Holmes and Watson on their tour as they learn the Chinese language and the characters that are part of daily life.
Tim Ao
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Joined: Sun May 03, 2015 8:33 pm

Re: Sherlock Holmes: method to learn characters

Post by Tim Ao »

Hey, I've learnt Characters with a similar book written by "Heisig". IMO it's a really good approach. At least I didn't forget as many characters as when I learnt through repetition :lol: :lol:
Regarding the book you recommend - well, it's still a book. I recently actually found out about an app using a similar method, you might want to check it out
Also, since noone replied here, I'd like to ask you about your progress with this book. How was it so far? :D