Korean invented chinese language

Discuss the Chinese language.
frozen gost
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i am very angry

Post by frozen gost »

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Post by chenchen »

made in China/made in Nanjing
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Post by intimacy »

Agree with Willy Wang strongly.Huaxia people is a great people in no doubt, of course Korea perhaps is too.
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Post by intimacy »

you said at the end of your title:
"Yi is known by a variety of names: The East Barbarian, Yi the Good,
Lord Yi, and Yi Lord of the Hsia. As a result of this ambiguity, Yi is
seen both as a hero who is favored by the Gods as well as a villain,
murderer, usurper and adulterer. In this myth Yi is the hero as he
shoots the Ten Suns to avert disaster.

I have to correct a mistake of yours:
The last Yi you referred (In this myth Yi is the hero as he shoots the Ten Suns to avert disaster.) means 羿(Hou Yi, in chinese myth he is the husband of Chang E) in Chinese character, and the other Yi mean 夷. Hou Yi (羿) is not as same as Yi at all.
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Post by 中国人 »


一个表面骄傲却实际上非常自卑的民族 被中国统治了这么多年 心中当然不满 这些歪理邪说是民族主义的产物 大家不要相信 韩国不过是美国在亚洲的一条狗 有什么好叫的?

不懂可以查字典 谢谢.
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Post by yangzi8007 »

:evil: I am a chinese college student .at first,
I want to tell you solemnly that chinese invent chinese language.
it is truth , just as korean originated from china,and it never alters,i think that korean will declare that all the world belongs to korean one day .and they think they are God,who create everything.funny?
it is a absurd theory of a radical folk .oh ,what can I say ?
maybe I could just say "let the ignorant people say what they want say
,because they never feel ashamed when tell a lie ,even if all the people laugh at them......
The rumor had its origin in an impulsive remark.
and the truth will lick up it with silence sooner or later ,if you believe what korean have said,you are more apish than korean .
at last ,i want to give a advise to korean "if you are human being,you should learn blush first.if you don't like to be man ,ok,come on ,saying
that loudly:"everything belongs to korean"..........
i am sorry for my poor english ,otherwise,i will say more about it.
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Post by yangzi8007 »

korean, stop stealing traditional culture essentials from china!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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korea nation likes to steal Chinese invention

Post by hannu »

everyone knowes that japanese and korean both derived from chinese, why waste your time with this crap?
everyone know the chinese has the longest continous culture in the world. chinese cultures have influences many cultures in southeast asia And east asia like japan and korean.
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Post by onlyonechina »

The Taoist teach so your this??
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Post by twtony »

I had a conversion with a korean friend the other day (not about this topic)

He told me bubble tea was invented in Korea (-_-)

Afterward, I told him Chinese invented kimchi, that surely pissed him off....LOL