search trough CCDICT

Comments, bug reports, discussions on CCDICT.

search trough CCDICT

Post by seba »

Hello all,

I was wondering what the fastest way is to search in the CCDICT-file.
In PHP I now use a "less xx | grep xx" performed by bash. But how would one do it in PHP ? it might come in handy for cedict and the unicode unihan database who are also all large flat text files

Thomas Chin

Re: search trough CCDICT

Post by Thomas Chin »

I don't have any experience with searching through text files. You might however import them in a database. PHP has great database support.


Re: search trough CCDICT

Post by seba »

i want to use flat-text files that makes it easer for people who don't have database-access to use my code. But since CCDICT is a 6MB text file, it's kind of heavy to load it in an array ...