The books of the Wu Spoken-language Writing-system

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The books of the Wu Spoken-language Writing-system

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The books of the Wu Spoken-language Writing-system
吳語-白話-文 個 書

The Bible of Shanghai (上海) version and the books of
shanghai dialect:

<約翰福咅> (John) 1847, print in Shanghai
Walter Henry Medhurst 麥都斯 (1796-1857)
Shanghai dialect version, with Chinese Character

<馬太福咅> (Matthew) 1848
W.C. Milne 米鄰
Shanghai dialect version, with Chinese Character

<路加福咅> (Luke) 1848,
T. McClatchie
Shanghai dialect version, with Chinese Character

<馬太福咅> (Matthew) 1850, printed in Nying-po
G. Owen 文, and two other persons
Shanghai dialect version, with Chinese Character

<約翰書> (John) 1853, printed in London
J. Summers
Shanghai dialect version, with Wu Romanized alphabet

<創世紀> (Genesis) 1854
W.J. Boone, C. Keith
Shanghai dialect version

<上海土白入門> 1855
A book introduced the dialect of Shanghai
Cleveland Keith

<A grammar of colloquial Chinese, as exhibited in the
Shanghai dialect> (上海口語文法) 1853
Shanghai: London Mission Press, first edition 248 pages at 1853
Shanghai: Presbyterian, second edition 225 pages at 1868
J. Edkins 艾約瑟

<路加福咅> (Luke) manuscript in 1859, edition in 1872
C. Keith, transliteration by A.B. Cebaniss
This book of <路加福咅> (Luke) manuscript in 1859 by C. Keith,
transliteration by A.B. Cebaniss and printed in 1872, with
a new phonetic symbol system (the Wu Chinese-radical symbol
syllabary) designed by T.P. Crawford.
Shanghai dialect version

<新約全書> (New testament) 1870
William Jones Boone 文惠亷 (1811-1864)
E.W. Syles
F. Spaulding
T. McClatchie
C. Keith
R. Nelson
H. Blodget
Shanghai dialect version

<新約全書> (New testament) 1872
Cleveland Keith
Shanghai dialect version, with Wu Romanized alphabet

<新約> (New testament) 1881
American Bible Society
Shanghai dialect version

<新約> (New testament) 1881
Dr. Muirhead 慕維亷
Shanghai dialect version

<新約> (New testament) 1897
by the missionaries of English and american
Shanghai dialect version

<舊約> (Old testament) 1908
Shanghai dialect version

<聖經> (Bible) 1913
Shanghai dialect version

(novel of some Shanghai dialect)

<海上花列傳> 1894
(novel of Shanghai dialect)

(novel of Shanghai dialect)

(novel of Shanghai dialect)

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The books of the Wu Spoken-language Writing-system
吳語-白話-文 個 書

The Bible of Soochow (蘇州) version and the books of Soochow dialect:

<福音書> (Gospels) 1879
<使徒行傳> (Acts) 1879
J.W. Davis
Soochow dialect version, with Chinese Character

<福音書> (Gospels) 1880
(Acts) 1880
G.F. Fitch,
A.P. Parker
Soochow dialect version, with Chinese Character

<馬可福咅> (Mark) 1891
Soochow dialect version, with Wu Romanized alphabet

<A syllabary of the Soochow dialect>
Soochow literary Society, Shanghai: 1892

<新約> (New testament) 1881, printed in 1892
G.F. Fitch,
A.P. Parker
Soochow dialect version, with Chinese Character

<新約> (New testament) 1908
J.w. Davis,
J.H. Hayes,
D.N. Lyon
A.P. Parker,
G.F. Fitch,
T.C. Britton
Soochow dialect version, with Chinese Character

<舊約> (Old testament) 1901
J.w. Davis,
J.H. Hayes,
D.N. Lyon,
T.C. Britton
Soochow dialect version, with Chinese C<福音書>haracter

Post by Guest »

《A Collection of Phrases in the Shanghai Dialect》1862
Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 193 pages, 1862
This book with 29 lessons, without the Tone Mark of Shanghai speaking.

《A Vocabulary of the Shanghai Dialect》1869
Joseph Edkins
Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 151 pages, 1869

《Shanghai Syllabary, Arranged in Phonetic Order》1897
Rev. J.A. Silsby
Shanghai: American Presbyterian Misson Press, 42 pages, 1897

《First Lessons in Chinese》1899
Rev M.T. Yates, D.D.,
Shanghai: American Presbyterian Misson Press, 151 pages, 22cm. rev.ed.1904.

《Useful phrases in the Shanghai dialect, with index, vocabulary and other helps》1906
Gilbert McIntosh,
Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 109 pages, 1906.
2nd ed. 113 pages, 19cm. 1908.
5th ed. 121 pages, 1922.
7th ed. 1927.
This book with 22 lessons, without the Tone Mark of Shanghai speaking.

《Lessons in the Shanghai Dialect》1907
Hawks Pott, D.D.,
Shanghai Presbyterian Mission Press, pp99, 1907; 151 page, rev. ed.,1913; 174 pages, rev. ed.,
Shanghai: Mei Hua Press, 1939. (French Translation, Imprimerie de la Misson Catholique, Shanghai, 1922; 1939).

《Shanghai Dialect Exercises, in romanized and character,with key to pronunciation and English index》1910
D.H.Davis, D.D.,
Shanghai:《土山湾 印书馆》(district: 徐家汇) 1910 印。278 pages.

《Lessons in the Shanghai Dialect》1923
R.A. Parker,
Shanghai: Shanghai Municipal Council,《Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 广学书局》1923。
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Re: The books of the Wu Spoken-language Writing-system

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