Verb followed by adverb

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Verb followed by adverb

Post by jilang »

How can I get a structure of a verb and an adverb as something like: Verb+Adverb where the adverb is placed after the verb? For example, to say "walk slowly" I could say "ban7 ban7 kiann5" but how can I get something like this structure in Mandarin "zou de man"?

Posts: 44
Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 7:27 am

Post by casey »

When you also describe the adverb.
For example:
walk very slowly: kiaNN5 cin1 ban7
walk too slowly: kiaNN5 siuNN1 ban7
walk more slowly: kiaNN5 kha4 ban7
Tai Ke Lai O Ban Lam Oe