Today we are going to talk about the difference between “zài” and “yòu”.
They also mean “again” in Chinese.
Scene: In an office
Rita: 请(qǐng) 问(wèn)Jane在(zài) 吗(ma)?
Excuse me, is Jane here?
Jason: 不(bù) 好(hǎo) 意(yì) 思(si),她(tā) 现(xiàn) 在(zài) 出(chū) 去(qù) 了(le)。
I’m sorry that she’s not here.
Rita: 哦(ò),那(nà) 我(wǒ) 下(xià) 午(wǔ) 再(zài) 来(lái) 找(zhǎo) 她(tā) 吧(ba)。
Well,I will come again this afternoon.
(the second day in the office)
Jason: Jane, 昨(zuò) 天(tiān) 上(shàng) 午(wǔ) Rita 来(lái) 找(zhǎo) 你(nǐ),下(xià) 午(wǔ) 她(tā) 又(yòu) 来(lái) 找(zhǎo) 你(nǐ),但(dàn) 是(shì) 你(nǐ) 都(dōu) 不(bú) 在(zài)。
Jane, Rita came to see you yesterday morning and afternoon, but you were not here.
Jane:她(tā) 有(yǒu) 留(liú) 言(yán) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 吗(ma)?
Did she leave a message?
Jason:有(yǒu),她(tā) 说(shuō),让(ràng) 你(nǐ) 尽(jìn) 快(kuài) 打(dǎ) 电(diàn) 话(huà) 给(gěi) 她(tā)。
Yes. She wanted you to call her as soon as possible.
Jane:好(hǎo) 的(de),谢(xiè) 谢(xiè)。
Okay. Thanks.
Jason:不(bú) 客(kè) 气(qì)。
You’re welcome.
Have you noticed the difference between “在“and”又“?Let’s do some exercises to check whether you have distinguished these two words.
1. 老(lǎo) 板(bǎn),_____来(lái) 一(yì) 杯(bēi) 啤(pí) 酒(jiǔ)。
2. 今(jīn) 天(tiān) 你(nǐ)______迟(chí) 到(dào) 了(le),下(xià) 次(cì) 不(bú) 要(yào)______迟(chí) 到(dào) 了(le)。
3. 今(jīn) 天(tiān) 还(hái) 会(hùi)_____下(xià) 雨(yǔ),别(bié) 忘(wàng) 记(jì) 带(dài) 伞(sǎn)。
4. 你(nǐ) 怎(zěn) 么(mo) 一(yí) 个(gè) 人(rén) 吃(chī) 午(wǔ) 饭(fàn)?______失(shi) 恋(liàn) 了(le)?
Answer: 1.再 2.又;再 3.再 4.又
P.S: If you got confused about these two words, please check the link below: ... fault.aspx