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How do I prevent Skype phone

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:22 am
by vaccarina
How do I prevent Skype phone numbers from appearing when I put a phone number in a Yahoo email message?
I type in a phone number. I save my draft. I come back to edit the message later, and where the phone number was is now a Skype button for the phone number, and the original phone number that I typed. How do I turn off this automatic insertion of Skype phone buttons?

Re: How do I prevent Skype phone

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:58 pm
by jackycharles
I had the same problem as you and it drove me mad. I think it's the Skype toolbar which causes the problem and I hadn't even loaded the toolbar! In the end I went into the skype pro gramme folder, there is a folder named 'toolbar' inside it I deleted the file called 'SPhoneParser.dll' (you have to close all your browsers) that seems to have solved it!