Where can I download CCDICT from?

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Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Where can I download CCDICT from?

Post by sootho »

Dear all,

I am new here, and am interested in CCDict. I hope to help to test on CCDict for errors, and improve it.

Where can I download the database file from?? The one provided in "Download", version 4.2 isn't available now... Is there any alternative link where I can refer to??
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: Where can I download CCDICT from?

Post by sootho »

Pls ignore my message as Thomas has replied it on other forum. Thank you...

Re: Where can I download CCDICT from?

Post by jamal »

Where can I download the database file from?Is there any alternative link where I can refer to??